Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Exoticans: What’s in a name?

    There is no place for Exoticans in the Oxford English Dictionary. The closest I could find was Exotica -“Objects considered interesting because they are out of the ordinary, especially because they originated in a distant foreign country”.  But this word is hardly used for people ( other than some tribes ). So why then did…

  • The Perfectionist Physican Parent

    Perfectionist parenting can be defined as a parenting style where parents expect their children to excel in every aspect of their lives. This style of parenting can be likened to a carpenter, who meticulously plans and executes every detail of their work to create a perfect finished product. On the other hand, a gardener approach…

  • The Biased Doctor

    This is my foray into the world of biases and how implicit bias affects decision-making in healthcare. As I was listening to a TED talk on bias, it made me wonder how often doctors are influenced subconsciously by biases and how it may affect diagnostic and treatment decisions. As physicians, we are often taught to…

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